Elevate O&P provides services for many funding bodies

  • Private funded patients

  • TAC, Transport Accident Commission

  • Workcover, Worksafe Victoria and associated 3rd party’s

  • SWEP, orthotic State Wide Equipment Program

  • DVA, Department of Veteran Affairs

  • NDIS,  self and plan managed NDIS participants.

Accessing the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides support to Australian citizens who are under the age of 65 and have a disability caused by a permanent impairment.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides support to Australian citizens who are under the age of 65, have a permanent disability and will require supports for the rest of their lives.

NDIS Plans

Each NDIS plan is created to support the individual. Planning meetings are conducted to discuss what you would like included in your coming plan.

Plan reassessments (previously called plan reviews) are scheduled when your plan period is due to expire, often every 2 years.

To prepare for a planning meeting please:

  • Contact Elevate Orthotics & Prosthetics to let us know you have a planning review coming up
  • Elevate Orthotics & Prosthetics will complete a letter and quotes as required for you to take with you to the plan reassessment meeting
  • Things to consider for your new plan
    • Will you need a new orthosis, prosthesis or major repair in the coming plan period.
    • How many consumable items will you likely need in the plan period eg, prosthetic liners, AFO socks, skin care etc
    • How many appointments will likely be needed during the upcoming plan period
    • Have your goals changed, what are your new goals for the next plan

Understanding how your funding is classified

Assistive Technology (AT) is equipment or devices that help people living with disabilities function in their daily lives. Orthotics and Prosthetics are classified as part of Assistive Technology within the NDIS funding.

Clinical hours required for provision of prosthetic and orthotic AT will be funded from the Capacity Building Supports. This may include assessments, fittings and ongoing reviews/maintenance to help increase your skills, independence and community participation.

Core Supports:

Consumables, Low Cost Assistive Technology

Covers items under $1500. This could include minor repairs to orthotics and prosthetics and items such as: prosthetic liners, footwear, AFO and prosthetic socks, skin care, off-the-shelf orthoses.

Capital Supports:

Assistive Technology

Mid Cost AT, $1500-15,000, to have funding included in your plan for mid cost AT a quote and supporting letter will be required. Adding mid cost AT to your plan as a Stated Item at the plan review can avoid delays in waiting for approvals.

High Cost AT, $15,000+, further justification via an Assistive Technology Assessment are required for high cost AT to meet the reasonable and necessary standards set by NDIS.

Capital Building Supports:

CB Daily/Improved Daily Living

Hourly rate charged for consultations/appointments. This area of funding can also be utilised to write support letters etc,  as well as manufacturing hours for some orthotics and prosthetics.

How your supports are managed:

There are three ways in which your plan/supports can be managed. Different parts of your plan can also be managed in different ways, so there may be a combination of the options below.

NDIA-managed funding | NDIS   When your plan is managed by the NDIA (sometimes referred to as Agency-managed). A service booking needs to be made in the NDIS portal by NDIS staff.

Plan management | NDIS  Plan management is when a provider supports you to manage funding in your NDIS plan. These providers are known as plan managers.  Your plan manager will pay Elevate Orthotics and Prosthetics for you and help manage your funds. Once you’ve provided your plan managers’ details, Elevate will send invoices directly to them for agreed services.

Self-management | NDIS  Self-management is when you manage your NDIS funding. Participants will use the NDIS portal to access funds so they can then pay invoices as needed. It gives you the flexibility and choice to decide what supports you purchase for your individual needs.

At Elevate Orthotics and Prosthetics we will give you an invoice which you will pay before leaving with your device.

Initial appointments:

Providing all the relevant details to Elevate Orthotics and Prosthetics will ensure we are able to provide appropriate AT in a timely manner. Please bring with you to your initial appointment a copy of your NDIS plan, Plan manager details (if applicable) and Support Coordinator details.